It happens in the blink of an eye: a bicycle accident, an encounter with a stranger, a winning lottery ticket. They are just moments in time, but moments that can change your life forever. And often, these moments are just the beginning of a new world for the people who experience them.
That’s the premise behind my new podcast, “Just a Moment.” During each episode, we’ll talk with someone who’s had a life-changing experience and explore how they navigated through that moment to discover a new normal.
Abrupt change is hard for most of us. Listen and learn how these folks were able to maneuver through heart-wrenching losses, open themselves to new possibilities, and even find new meaning for their lives because of a single moment that changed everything. At that moment, we may think, “How will I ever get through this?” However, with time and support, we learn to say “that was Just a Moment in my life.”
I promise you will hear compelling, raw stories that may help you navigate through your own life’s journey—if you’ll give me Just a Moment.